Potential clients often feel they dont need a lighting designer because they already know what they want but when it comes to conveying their ideas to their contractors it soon becomes apparent that there’s a lot more to it. The benefits of using a professional lighting designer don’t end here though. Apart from providing the contractors with all the information, drawings and specifications they need, a lighting designer will offer suggestions as to what else can be achieved at no extra cost or maybe a different approach that’s even more to the client’s liking.
Sometimes clients are worried that a lighting designer may only be interested in a full lighting design with project management but the fact is most lighting designers will provide exactly what you ask for, usually with a few additional items thrown in.
Often clients just want a few ideas
Thats fine. A lighting designer will give you lots of good ideas and if thats all you need they'll be happy to do so. Not all projects require a lighting designer for the duration. One or two consultations can give you all you need if you have a practical approach and understanding of the electrical requirements.
Electrician or Lighting Designer?
A good electrician will obviously have some idea of how to illuminate a room but thats not the same as lighting design. Where the light doesn't fall is just as important as where it does because without a variation of light and shade the interior can look bland and uninviting. Rarely will an electrician take the whole interior into account, nor are they unbiased since their income depends on how many light fittings they supply and install. But dont get me wrong, a good electrician is a valuable asset, just not necessarily the right person to ask for lighting advice.
A professional lighting designer, on the other hand, will also have some electrical qualifications so their knowledge of the whole project will be comprehensive and they will be able to discuss wiring as well as design with electrician and client alike. they will also provide an unbiased opinion as to the best types of light fittings and dimmers to use in any situation.
My contractor needs a drawing yesterday!
This often comes as a shock to clients in the middle of a refurb. They've discussed their requirements with the contractor who says he has it all in hand but when the electrician arrives on site the first thing they ask for is a drawing to show where you want all your light fittings. This immediately puts the client under pressure to either come up with a drawing or risk the electrician moving on to another job causing delays to your project.
This is no problem to a lighting designer as we are used to working to a deadline, however immediate.
Form & Function
A professional lighting designer is quick to interpret your requirements and understands how to integrate the lighting into your interior to bring out the best in your home, not purely functional but also in terms of aesthetics and mood.
Sustainable Lighting
A lighting designer is fully up to speed with the latest technology and can make an informed judgement as to its viability for years to come. They also know the best, tried & tested fittings and lighting controls that you can rely on to perform without a hitch.
Colour Temperature
Often overlooked and misunderstood by installers, but colour temperature is the key to creating the right ambience in a particular area. This is not to be confused with normal RGB colour change fittings which obviously have a place in a design but the colour temperature of a light dictates whether it will have a cool or warm feeling in the same way that a sunset gives a warm glow compared to the white light at midday.
Project Co-ordination
If required, your lighting designer will oversee the entire installation from start to finish to ensure that your contractors are fully informed and eliminate problems as they arise.
Bespoke Light Fittings
A good lighting designer can also design bespoke fittings to suit a particular function as well as architectural installations such as cove lighting and lighting coffers to house concealed or indirect lighting. Check out this fantastic table, designed by LBD:
A lighting designer can save you money!
Obviously, hiring a professional lighting designer will add to your project’s cost and these costs will vary depending on the services you hire them for but by specifying the right products for the job and detailing precisely whats required, then making sure its all installed correctly, expensive mistakes can be avoided and the contractors will have no reason to add costs for 'unforeseens' or run over schedule.
And above all, it'll be done right first time!
LBD offers free consultations so its worth having a chat. Enquiries via the contact page will be answered within 24 hours: https://www.lightingbydesign.co.uk/contact